2012年12月16日 星期日

Motion Timelapse – The Art of Flight

Tyler Ginter blog:

BRAIN FARM: Interview )

Tyler Ginter and Greg Wheeler talk about the Brain Farm team motion timelapse work in the Aspen segment of The Art of Flight.

What was the mission of the project?
The Aspen section of The Art of Flight was all about filming the athletes take on the incredible jumps and half pipe that was being constructed. We spent a week in the field setting up several motion timelapse setups each day. Each shot took between 2-3 hours to setup and 6-8 hours to film. We mostly worked the graveyard shift as a lot of the work was done from when the sun went down to when it came up.
電影“The Art of FLIGHT”,記錄了世界各地挑戰險惡環境的滑雪板玩家們,在窮山惡水之地冒著生命危險征服大自然的偉大挑戰過程,遍及加拿大、阿拉斯加、澳洲等國家,以高超的拍攝手法襯以壯闊的美景之下呈現。

藝術家 Tyler Ginter 運用高難度高技術的雪地縮時攝影,就像那些滑雪板運動家們所挑戰的,追求自己的極限。我很喜歡畫面裡帶來的流動感、呼吸感,取景的巧思呼應著滑雪板,光影天空美麗的變化,帶觀眾用另一個角度欣賞滑雪運動的美。

